Looking for luxurious urban living in a vibrant coastal city? This is your place! Positioned in the heart of downtown Sarasota, this residence at The Mark offers refined living with convenient access to everything people love about this city. Every day you’ll be reminded of your optimal location as you sit on your terrace watching the sun rise over the brick-paved city streets below and the treetops beyond. In the evening you’ll enjoy the city lights on people strolling between the restaurants and boutiques more than 100 feet below. And, despite the incredible walkability of this location, if you choose to drive you’ll be pleased to know you’ll own two deeded, secured spaces for your vehicles. Step inside residence #804 and be welcomed by the clean, bright environment with an abundance of natural light flowing through the floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors and windows, tall ceilings maximize the feeling of space, and white, large-format porcelain tile provides a base for these ethereal environs. Custom finishes and a contemporary floor plan will impress discerning buyers. Kitchen features Euro-style cabinetry, JennAir appliances including an induction range/convection oven, pantry with pullout drawers, large island to accommodate four settings and elegant lighting making it inviting to guests and chefs. The two large bedroom en suites are positioned at opposite ends of the residence providing maximum privacy. In the primary suite you are welcomed by views through the floor-to-ceiling wall of glass and sliders leading to the outdoor terrace, all of which are custom fitted with remote-control shades. A large walk-in closet and expansive hall closet make organizing your personal effects easy. The primary bath area is adorned with porcelain tile, white surfaces, dual vanities, upgraded fixtures, and a large glass walk-in shower and water closet. On the other side of the residence is the guest suite awash in natural light. Custom remote control shades provide privacy here as well. The private bath area features a tub/shower combination for those who prefer the option. At other corner of the residence is a den/study area, often used as an office, theatre or extra guest room. This residence also includes a laundry room with built-in cabinetry and an additional water closet adjacent to the kitchen serving as a powder room. Custom upgrades include designer light fixtures, tile backsplash in the kitchen, motorized Hunter Douglas shades with blackout versions in the bedrooms, large-format porcelain tile flooring, high baseboards, premium carpet in bedrooms, custom closet built-ins and surge protection. For your convenience, a locked storage space is just a few feet down the hall. This is the first time this residence has been available. And, perhaps as a testament to its desirability, no unit in this stack has ever been resold since new as people hold on to them. The Mark provides 24-hour on-site concierge and security services. Its resort-style amenities are extensive, infinity lap pool and spa, expansive deck with cabanas, fire pits, outdoor kitchen/grilling area, lounge with fireplace, fitness center, community room with catering kitchen and bar for hosting events, and conference room with high-speed internet for videoconferencing. Here at home, you’re close to it all, arts and entertainment, dining and shopping even the bayfront, this property represents the epitome of elevated coastal downtown living
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Informace o nemovitosti
Typ nemovitosti
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Na prodej
Velikost domu
čtverečních stop
2 lůžka
3 koupele
Dny na místě
5 Dny
Rok postavený
Poplatky HOA
Poplatky HOA zahrnují
Guard - 24 Hour, Pool, Escrow Reserves Fund, Insurance, Maintenance Structure, Maintenance Grounds, Management, Pest Control, Security, Sewer, Trash, Water
Číslo MLS
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Velikost šarže
Architektonický styl/Design
Slab, Stem Wall
Stavební materiály
Block, Stucco
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Interiérové prvky
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Připraveno pro kabel
Central Air
Heat Pump
Convection Oven
Range Hood
Exteriérové prvky
BB/HS Internet Available
Cable Connected
Electricity Connected
Fire Hydrant
Sewer Connected
Street Lights
Underground Utilities
Water Connected
Parkovací funkce
2 parkovací místa
Off Street
On Street
Under Building
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Inna Zadniprovskiy at Keller Williams Realty Select
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