Under contract-accepting backup offers. Welcome to Alinari at Rosemary Place, a unique, luxury condominium development set on eleven acres in Downtown Sarasota. Across from Centennial Park and the Van Wezel, Alinari is one of the newer Sarasota condominiums constructed in 2007. The two hundred and five residents in this pet friendly, high-rise building enjoy private balconies with some of the best views Sarasota has to offer. This two bedroom, two bath Cellini floor plan features a living area that opens to a terraced balcony overlooking greenery and the pool area. Sellers intentionally picked the fourth floor for this view and the convenience to amenities, as this unit is just a flight of stairs to the pool, hot tub, and gym. The resort style, heated swimming pool offers ten private cabanas, and a spa and sauna where you can relax. Enjoy your balcony, day or night, in one of the best locations in the building. Your balcony overlooks a fountain and meditation garden that will wash over you in complete zen during the day, and the evening brings beautiful lighting around the pool area that adds extra charm to your nighttime festivities. Within the home, the kitchen hosts European-styled cabinetry, new granite countertops that have been lowered and modernized for barstool seating, and stainless steel appliances (the stove/range, refrigerator, and garbage disposal are all new!). This is also the only Cellini unit with a pantry! This home has been meticulously maintained by the original owners. The ceramic tiled floors have been professionally cleaned with the grout sealed. Newer carpet has been laid in the bedrooms. Light fixtures and fans in bathrooms are updated and new. A/C is four years old; water heater is five years old. The primary bedroom features a walk-in closet and a well-appointed, en-suite bathroom. Here, you have covered and secure parking and the convenience of 24/7 concierge service with on-site staff. There is also a theatre with stadium seating for your favorite flicks, a state of the art fitness center, billiards in the oversized clubroom, secure storage, and a business support area for you computer, print, and faxing needs. This is one of the only condos downtown with a large, private green space for pets and parties. Not only are the building amenities fabulous, so are the nightlife, shopping, and dining in the area. In the heart of Downtown Sarasota, you are convenient to a plethora of cultural amenities. Your new home is truly a haven for art enthusiasts. Sarasota features a world class ballet company, various area playhouses, the symphony, an opera house, and a host of galleries. A component of Sarasota’s appeal is found in the vast selection of outdoor and water recreation/leisure activities. Dock your boat at one of the area’s most pristine marinas, Marina Jack. Sarasota offers numerous regattas for sailing and boat enthusiasts. Our beautiful, crystal sand beaches stretch 35 miles along the west coast; and in Downtown Sarasota, you are less than 15 minutes away from Lido Key and St. Armand’s Circle
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Inna Zadniprovskiy at Keller Williams Realty Select
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1 parkovací místo
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Inna Zadniprovskiy at Keller Williams Realty Select
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